Sunday, February 27, 2011

For the Love of a Farm

Some of you may know my mom.  She is Martha before Martha was MARTHA!  Growing up we renovated, tore down walls, had a garden the size of Nebraska and a compost pile way before it was chic to have one.  My mom now lives in a beautiful farm house that has many acres.  Here are just a few pictures  and I think you'll see why it makes my heart sing.

just gathering a few herbs for dinner

A chicken coop...really!  Don't ya just wanna move in?

Mom in all her glory!

and they come that way...

this, my friends, is the garden

and this, is 2 of my girls gathering food for dinner

my moms birthday present...for real!

Be still my heart...

then sang my soul!


  1. This makes my soul sing as well mom! That place will always be so special to me! She looks so beautiful among all the natural things god has given us!

    P.S The apple does not fall far from the tree, Mrs.Tools

  2. I WANT A FARM!!! The question is, will I ever have one??

  3. I love seeing these pictures, reminds me of all the special memories we had over the years!
